Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Lifegroups, that is what my church calls it, is a group comprised of people, men or women, couples, young people, old people who have one thing in common. God is what they have in common. Some are baby christians, a few are "on the fence" believers, while others are head-over-heels-in-love-with-Jesus. New members and old members alike are encouraged to be a part of these groups. When I was first approached, I thought to myself, "Oh! This is just an over-glorified bible study group. I have no time for this. Why do I need to attend one of these?"

The first time I stepped into our meeting room, my heart did a silly flip flop, my legs felt like rubber, my hands were shaking...I was inundated with negative chatter like, "Why are you here? You are no Christian, you are not like these people, they are not going to like you, you are going to be ignored...on and on." I finally calmed myself (at least I thought it was me doing the calming ;) haha) down enough to listen gto the others in the group. Guess what? I did belong. I actually enjoyed the group. I went back.

Present time, about 1-1/2 years later...now if I miss our weekly meeting, my week seems not go very well. I look forward to 1-1/2 hours of love, support, understanding, and yes some bible study time too. It's nice to know there are 6 other women who have been through what I have or going through similar things. It's nice to know that what we talk about is kept confidential. There are 6 other women praying for me at a moment's notice. We have exchanged emails and cell phone numbers in case we need one another.

This past Saturday I was invited to a "Leader" meeting. Usually, our group's main leader goes to these but this week I was asked to attend. Of course, I was late as usual...I think late should be my middle name. Life just gets in the way some days. Thank goodness most of them know me and know my life is anything but easy with a special needs child at home. (That's one reason I love my church...they accept me for me.)

At this particular meeting, I learned that our mission for our Lifegroups is to get new and old members connected to a group. Through these groups you will spiritually grow. However, to accomplish this goal we have to get out of our "comfort zone" and talk with people. (Of course, my stomach rolled at this thought.) Little did I know this was God preparing me to meet a special lady the very next day. A story that will be shared some day perhaps.

What does the future hold for me with my Lifegroup? I don't know. Does that bother me not knowing? Sometimes, I am human. But I know that no matter what plans God has for me, if I follow His plan, the outcome will be just fine.

So, if you have this type of thing at your church or you attend my church...FIND A LIFEGROUP! Give it a chance and find the group that is right for you. If none of the groups are right for you, there is always an opportunity to start your own group.

Everything I Learned About Life Part 2...

 Since I'm strolling down memory lane, I should probably post this one too about Marching Band. Some of my most fondest memories of high...