Featured Products


Work of Art Gifts by Jen – Business Information

This is the space where I will be talking to you and sharing with you about some companies that I am either an affiliate of or independent sales representative. This list includes Avon, Alotta Pajs, Sass ‘N Frass, and Tealightful. I may also include some art projects of my oldest child. (She is an amazing artist, photographer, singer, and I am so very proud of her. She’s going to be angry about this soundbite but I can’t help it. To quote something she said earlier today, “May as well just go ahead and do something then ask forgiveness for it later.”)

1. Avon: You shop my online store 24/7. Click here to shop Avon

2. Alotta Pajs: You can also shop here 24/7. Click here to shop Alotta
*Please Note: USA to USA shipping is faster than other items
3. Sass 'N Frass: A fun home based business located out of NC. Shop here 24/7

4. Tealightful: If you love tea, this is the place to shop! Shop Here

*Special Featured Website*

This website is something my daughter has been working on. She is an amazing artist, photographer, and singer. I couldn’t be more proud of this kid. Please consider purchasing one of her works of art.

Broken Wings Art Print
by Kaelie

She also has a photography page that you can find here: Rosa Lynn Photography

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