Monday, December 13, 2021

Everything I Learned About Life Part 2...

 Since I'm strolling down memory lane, I should probably post this one too about Marching Band. Some of my most fondest memories of high school was marching band whether it was a parade, the dreaded fundamental block, band camp field out in the middle of nowhere, or even just a football field (and some of my bandmates report that "squeezing the marble" is a skill we have used in our adult lives after we've had children--Thanks Bithia for that one!). These men taught us how to be dependable friends, caring human beings, working hard, and just being a decent human being. Thank You Karl and Dan for stepping in and being a Dad to many of us!

Once again, I must say it...Everything I learned about life, I learned on the marching band field.

My marching band experience began in the summer of 1991 as I was entering my freshman year in high school. We were under the direction of Karl Robinson. That August we went to band camp at Woodland Altars in Peebles, Ohio. I can remember sitting around a campfire listening to Karl read a story from the bible that our contest show was going to be about. "The Gathering of the Ranks At Hebron" by David Holsinger simple but beautiful song. Listen here:

The bible verse was I Chronicles 12:23-38. We had a banner with these verses displayed at our competition and we were not allowed to display the banner at any school practice or football halftime show as you know that bible and God in schools is forbidden. Read the story here: 

This story is about determination, war...our story was about blood, sweat, tears, determination, working hard. My story was that I was a Freshman who was struggling but by the end got it right. That very first competition at Anderson High School, I lost my Trombone slide but I didn't quit! I did the whole show, miming my slide positions every step of the way through the tears that flowed down my face. My band brothers and sisters so kind to me that day. I will never forget our field commander who gracefully picked up my slide all in step as we left the field. I finally belonged that day as many of the upperclassmen came to me to tell me that it was all okay and about their many times of not being perfect. We went on to the next competition at Hamilton High School where we became the Grand Champions! We made it to State...the biggest OMEA competition of the very best  bands. 

The state competition brings a very funny story now but then we were in some serious you know what. That morning we had to practice with the female band director Ms. Taylor (Sorry Ms. Taylor for being such wretched kids!). We were so mean to that poor lady...of course Robinson found out about it and in full dress uniform we were doing push ups in a gravel parking lot in front of other bands! 

The next 3  years flew by and we performed crazy show after crazy show...4 to 5 at 120 bpm marching backwards topped it all though that very first year.  We performed "The Raven", we were a concert band at the beginnning of the 3rd year, we did "All That Jazz" my senior year which was a total disaster.

But through all of the emotion, hard work, laziness my last year....I really did learn some things. It wasn't for nothing. When life's trials and tribulations threaten to bring me down, I get back up and I say, "I was a Marching Wildcat under the direction of Karl Robinson and Dan Meeks. Missy, you are not a quitter. You are a survivor. You will get down and squeeze that marble, you will stand tall, and you will persevere. You are not a have the Superior attitude and you will rise!" Determination.

An oldie but goody...yours truly!

And WOW! Look at that low brass section, looking sharp and in step!

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Everything I Learned About Life Part 2...

 Since I'm strolling down memory lane, I should probably post this one too about Marching Band. Some of my most fondest memories of high...