Thursday, October 25, 2012

Get Out of My Head! Part 2

Get Out of My Head! Part 2

Loser, Failure, Bad Mom, Psycho, Worry, Not Good Enough! (Yes,that's me, yours truly!) I have had it with all these thoughts and I am ready to quiet this nasty and deceitful "negative inside chatter"! I started this assignment literally in the midst of this very thing as I wrote about in Part 1. I decided Tuesday afternoon that I was going to begin a quest to find some resolution to all this!

Step One:

#1 Weapon: The Holy Bible mixed with #2 Weapon: "Unglued" Chapter 10 by Lysa Terkeurst (Lethal combination, indeed!)

I started reading chapter 10 skipping only up to 5 chapters! ;) However, what I found in these pages was just inspiring. I became a highlighting fool!
In the second paragraph, page 141, "Toxic thoughts are so dangerous because they leave no room for truth to flourish. And lies are what reign in the absence of truth." Right above that there are a few examples of some "negative inside chatter": (my favorite?) "Your kids just illustrated every inadequacy you have as a mom." What Lysa says about these toxic thoughts being dangerous is truth! This week by Tuesday, my negative inner thoughts completely drained my soul and I became irritated, unproductive, and depressed. I kept telling myself this will pass but I couldn't get past it.
What I found completely amazing is how God designed our bodies which Lysa also shares. "When we take information in our body and activate an attitude---a state of mind---it influences our reaction to life. The then-activated attitude---positive or negative---is transmitted from the thalamus (which is like the air traffic controller for all the thoughts in our brain) down to the hypothalamus. In short, God designed our bodies to respond to our thoughts." Amazing!!!!
Philippians 4:6-9
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable---if anything is excellent or praiseworthy---think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me---put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

According to the scripture (wisdom) noted above, we should be thinking more positive, not destructive thoughts. These thoughts should be building us up, not tearing us down. These thoughts should bring me joy, not suck all my joy dry. Lysa goes on to explain these words further with 3 questions:
 1. "Did someone actually say this or am I making assumptions about what they're thinking?"
Lysa says, "Choose prayer over worry in every situation. We can ask God to shine His truth into our situation." Not every person you meet is thinking about you nearly as much as you might think. It is unfair of us to assume someone is thinking something about.  Instead of assuming, we should be seeking out the truth by simply asking that person to clarify and we should also ask God help with this process.
What I did was, on Tuesday, I called my Dad at lunch time. I asked him if he felt that I was doing all that I could because I was feeling like a failure when it came to my kids. Dad's response was one of love and understanding. He told me that Kaelie is a lot like not only me but my mother. He also told me that I could change and that he is always there for me. (so comforting to hear, my poor Dad has become my new sounding board since losing my Mom in March, 2011.)


2. "Am I actively immersing myself in truth?"

Lysa's advice, "Thinking runaway, worrisome thoughts is just an invitation to anxiety."

Fill yourself with God's truth and spend less time thinking about the untruths. After calling Dad and later that evening, I decided to do some more investigative work. I immersed myself into the Bible and began to read truth. This truth brought my joy back and it also brought me peace. I emailed a few women at my church that I have come to admire.

L's comfort verse goes like this, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you." Isaiah 43:2 She also sent me an attachment of a handout that she received from the "Walk to Emmaus". See Below.

C's response to me was James 4:7 "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." She suggested that I try and there you can look up different topics and it will point you to the related bible verses. I haven't found out how this works fully. I did find a new Mom's devotional!
Last, but not least, W's response was a suggestion to read some pages out of another book that she was reading; "Your Relationship with God" by Dr. Gary Smalley. She even let me read some of the things she underlined for herself and that view into her personal thoughts was uplifting to me! One of the most memorable parts was on page 68, Key Verses: Romans 12:1-3; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Colossians 3:2; 1 Peter 1:13-16 "Ask the Lord to help you renew your mind daily so that you can live a holy life, as he has called you to do."
3. "Are there situations or relationships that feed my insecurities?"
Lysa's story on page 146 and page 147 regarding a friend that was not supportive and how the relationship faded away did remind me of a few past friendships in my own life. Her advice resonates some thinking that I have had this year about certain relationships, "Finally, if some situations or relationships feed our insecurities, maybe we need to take a break from them for a season."
I haven't fully addressed this question. Right now, for me deciding to let a friendship fade or losing another person in my life would be detrimental to me at this point. Losing my Mom back in March of 2011 has made me to clinch onto my relationships. But I can tell you that I decided at the beginning of this year, my new year's resolution would be to cut back on those relationships that brought a certain amount of toxicity to my life. I also decided that I needed to find a church home and I needed to surround myself with more "Godly" friends.  I have found some amazing, kind, loving, and accepting women at my church and within my Lifegroup. Also, this online bible study with Group 39 has helped me regain my joy and to chat with women in other states and countries with the same issues has given me comfort. My special email pal continues to lift my spirits.
In conclusion, I would like to leave you with these last words of Lysa's from page 149. "Addressing the issue of inside chatter will lead us to freedom! Not just freedom from negative things like doubt and insecurities, confusion and suspicion. But freed to pour out love on others. Freedom to think clearly. Freedom to obey God's call on our lives no matter what others think. Our thoughts really matter. After all, how a woman thinks is often how she lives"
Told you I had a lot to say! If you made it to this point, I hope that this brings you joy, peace and comfort. I sincerely hope that this helps one person.
Dear Father,
Thank you for your words of wisdom! Please fill our mouths with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Let us know that, you Lord, have done great things for us! (Psalm 126:2) I praise you Father for bringing some wonderful "Godly" women into my life. Help me to defeat these negative thoughts. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


  1. Jenny, You are really ROCKING this study! I love the way you're using it as a tool to examine and change your perception of yourself and your life. Turning to the Bible and other godly friends will give you new understandings and strength to carry on! I'm so glad you're sharing your blogs with us. Please keep writing!
    Love ya, & Huge blessings. <>< Karen
    OBS Group Leader

  2. G'day Jenny
    I encourage you that these difficult days with young children WILL pass...I promise.
    Keep on holding on tightly to God the way you are, and I promise everything will work out.
    God bless
    Nicki (OBS Leader)

  3. Love your weapons of destruction to the enemy of negative chatter!!


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