Thursday, February 20, 2014

MTC: Week 5

I've been looking over the blog hop topic questions for this week and I can't really just pick 1 this time. There are so many things I need or want to here it goes!

1. #Beneficial: This study has been beneficial to me because I am now a non-smoker! Woo Hoo! I have finally realized that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! (my paraphrase of Philippians 4:13) So many things have been beneficial during this small Facebook group #41, the OBS blog, twitter, Rev It Up and the fact that I am studying God's word with women from all over the world!

2. Lamentations 3:22-24 NIV "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. The are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."

This is what I get in my own words: Jenny, my love for you is so great and because of this great love, my plan for you will never fail. Trust me, girl, I got this! I am your portion and that is all you need.

I cry out and say, "Lord, you are my portion. You are all that I need to get past this moment!"

3. Emotional Triggers: This is a tricky, sticky subject. Just like when I get upset and crave something chocolate and filled with caramel, I also crave smoking a cigarette. I crave it after I eat a big meal and I also crave them especially after a big argument. I crave them on my 40 minute drive to work. I crave them especially when I am happy, sad, angry, and anxious. My triggers for food cravings or cigarette cravings revolve around my emotions. I have tried quitting so many times but this time I think it will stick. Why, you ask? Well, my friends, because I have God by my side. When my food cravings happen, I have usually gone through some big emotional battle with my 10-year old daughter (who thinks she is going on 16) and I forget to breathe, to pray, and to ultimately lean on God. Instead I use stuffing food into my face as a crutch. What if I stop and breathe and ask God to help? What kind of difference could this make? I think this could make a lifestyle change that is beneficial to my spiritual growth.

4. Soul Filling Satisfaction: “For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9)

This promise speaks volumes to my heart. My soul has been thirsty and craving God. When I fill myself with negativity, with food, or with smoking a cigarette I am giving myself a temporary fix. Now, if change my perspective and start filling my soul with God, my life is going to change not just temporarily but my life is going to change for the better permanently. It is going to stick this time. 

The one thing that I could ask God to help me feel a deep and soul-filling satisfaction is that when I make a good choice to make a healthy, lifestyle change that God will show me wisdom to know that it is the baby steps that are going make a long lasting impact on my life that goes further than just my outward appearance. My hope is that these changes will be felt deep down into my soul. I #CraveGod and hope that he will fill my soul with good things and that the negative things in my life are sucked up into a vacuum and thrown out with the trash. 

Everything I Learned About Life Part 2...

 Since I'm strolling down memory lane, I should probably post this one too about Marching Band. Some of my most fondest memories of high...