Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Stressed Less?

Stressed-Less? I sure hope so!

Stress....what image comes to your mind when you think of stress?

Me, I imagine myself with hair that's standing on end like when you stick your finger in a light socket. A raging migraine, the kids are yelling and fighting...again, the dog is barking, the TV is blaring. I am standing in the middle of it all with steam coming out of my ears, holding my head, and all of sudden, I explode! My mind keeps racing about Girl Scout meetings, women's ministry, work problems, money, IEP meeting, KK (my daughter) has a music program, the argument the hubby and I just had...A scream comes out but nobody hears it. They just keep on with the chaos. Why don't they hear me? Why can't I find peace?

Hopefully soon through the new OBS with Proverbs 31 and Melissa Taylor's OBS, I will learn how to live with stress and finding true peace.

My vision of true peace involves an island all to myself with nothing but the quiet, good music, and a good book to read.  I just want some quiet and for my brain to just be still. When I close my eyes and think about that place, it gives me some calm but not entirely.

Apparently, there is a cure for this and way to get peace. I've heard it's through God and our prayers.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. (NASB)

That is the true peace that I am seeking. The only one who can truly give me that kind of freedom from my thoughts....God. I want to find peace that is focused on and based on Christ, my faith, a peace that comes from trusting in God.

For me, it's not so much the past that is getting to me. It's the present and future. I let those with high negative emotion affect me. I let the little things stick to me. I continually sweat the small stuff. I can't take anymore stress. I am about to break into a million tiny pieces!

Only Jesus can give me the kind of peace I am urgently looking for every day!

Dear Lord,

I want some peace in this crazy life. I don't mean the temporary makes you feel good for 5 minutes kind of peace. I need a life changing kind of peace. Something that is so deep that I can only get from you. My life has become total chaos and I haven't taken the time to reflect on what the peace we get from you means. Help me see you in the midst of my life. Help me feel your peace deep within my soul. Thank you Lord, for your love and for your peace.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.


  1. I can identify with your picture in your head of stress... and that island with a good book sounds really nice, too. Praying in agreement with you that all who are working through this study will find that peace. God Bless you. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Praying for peace!!! Thank you for sharing your blog. I'm in the study too, but I'm lagging on writing my blog post, but I'm not gonna stress over it. lol Nice to meet you! Martha

  3. Praying for peace for you. Sometimes I can go outside alone on my porch and imagine I am somewhere else listening to the birds and seeing butterflies, but if I take that dog he wants to play. There is peace - you'll find it. I know it's there and I'm learning the older I get it is easier to find but there is always and will forever be stress in our lives and the trick is learning how to control our reaction. He's not finished with us yet. Debbie W. (OBS Group Leader)

  4. Praying for peace for all of you as well! That's so hard for me, Debbie, learning how to control my reaction.

    Martha, did you get your post done? Can't wait to read it! Let me know when it's done.

    Lauren, yes praying for everyone! It's such a great feeling knowing that all of you are praying and vice versa! I love these studies!


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