Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 This image pulled at my heart on so many levels. I have 3 children. My oldest is 18  years old and I think back to her growing up; I cannot remember that last time where I helped her wash her hair. I wish I would have wrote the date down and cherished those moments even longer. Now that she's 18, she is independent and of course, wants to do everything her own way. And that is okay with me as I know that is how she is going learn how to be an adult. That is how she will grow even though it hurts my heart. 

My second child is now 13 years old, 8th grade and yes right at this kind of level. I try to be funny to get a hug. One morning not too long ago, I caused him to miss the bus. He was not thrilled with me but I wanted a hug. I held him up knowing that he might miss it. Because of rushing through the middle school years and teenager years with my oldest, I just want to slow this time down with my son. Soon, he's going to not want to snuggle. We are at the stage of "please don't tell anyone, especially my friends or I will die from embarrassment" and my heart is breaking all over again. Just trust me, slow down and enjoy these years with  your kids. Take whatever time you can get to just hug them.

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My third child, the baby (the last one), is 6 years old. I am using my knowledge from the first 2 kiddos and this time, I am slowing down. I will write down the date of when I last help her wash her hair. I am taking every milestone slow and letting her just be. Not rushing her growing up and not wasting time. I am loving a recent blessing that has allowed me to be here at  home with my baby more. There are lots of hugs and just watching her grow going on around here. 

Love them all. Period.

I love the simple statement made in the very first photo. This includes your neighbor kids. The kids that are riding on your child's bus that you live around the neigborhood. The kids at the grocery store. The kids at your child's school that is different. LOVE THEM ALL. PERIOD. I make it a mission to smile or give a compliment to at least 1 child when I am attending a school event. There is criteria though...I look for the child that is different and sometimes it is simply the child that is acting out and being loud (they want attention for a reason) or it could be the child that reminds me of myself (shy, lonely, quiet). I make a point to simply just smile. That smile is worth a whole lot to some of these kids. The compliment is always simple..."Oh Wow! I really like that backpack. That is awesome!" or "I really love your hair color. I wish I had your courage to get that done." or "That's a really cool picture that you just colored. Good job!" What if an adult stopped and took the time to smile for you or took the time to show you that there are nice people out there? 



Everything I Learned About Life Part 2...

 Since I'm strolling down memory lane, I should probably post this one too about Marching Band. Some of my most fondest memories of high...