Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thoughts Vs. Truth aka Get Out of My Head! Part 3

Thoughts Vs. Truth

These are my lies:
And this is my truth:
I am wondering how I can apply the above truth...

When my thoughts get out of control, I will give myself a pep talk that is wholesome and in that way I will build myself up to my need which is truth and if I listen there will be great benefits.  That is what this verse is telling me. This is exactly how I am going to change and I will make imperfect progress.
Thoughts can be dangerous and deceiving but dipping into the truth (my bible) and learning to lean on God and His word will change my life.
I keep going back to thoughts and negative chatter because that is what is holding me back on almost all areas of my life.
Here is my pledge to myself:
Now that I have accepted the invitation to imperfect progress, I, Jenny Snyder, will:
  1. Share this knowledge with all women or men and urge them to read this book.
  2. Continue to make imperfect progress.
  3. Know that I have a choice to walk on a path to grace or be the exploder that shames herself.
  4. Not let negative inside chatter or thoughts rule her life.
  5. Pray
  6. Seek God's truth.
Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst: Epilogue, page 191
I want the whole world to know this!
"God loves you. God loves you now. God loves you when you're unglued. God loves you when you stuff. God loves you when you explode. He loves you when you exemplify soul integrity, and He loves you when you don't. He loves you. He loves you. He loves you. He loves you so much that He refuses to leave you stuck in this place. Take His hand, trust His love, and walk in the beautiful opportunity for imperfect progress."
Ahhh! Now, doesn't that just make you smile? If not, I am sorry and I hope that I can help you seek his truth for your own life. It's easy, my friend(s), all you have to do is ask for forgiveness and ask Jesus to come into your heart. No money required. Just you asking God for forgiveness of your sins. His love for you never ends. He will always be there for you and He will never let you down. John 3:16; look it up and let your life be changed forever. I am so glad my old friend, Lisa, did that for me back in high school.
If you didn't know, Proverbs 31 does online bible studies! Next study: "Greater" by Steven Furtick
Sign up at:
I can't wait to go on another journey with Group 39!!! You ladies are awesome and I love you!


  1. Cindi,

    Thank You! Hopefully this has helped you.


  2. Jenny,

    I loved reading your commitment to growing in your unglued moments.
    But what I loved most was your comments after the Epilogue - inviting people in. I guess we assume that everyone who reads our blogs are Christians. Not a very safe assumption on my part. Thank you for sending out that invitation.

    OBS Group Leader

    1. Thank you Catherine! Your encouragement is so appreciated!

  3. Beautiful Jenny! It seems that reading and absorbing Unglued! has awakened in you a fire of faith! How awesome! And your burning desire to apply and share your faith makes you a disciple of Christ. Pretty awesome to think that's what's been developing in your heart. I love that! Blessings, sweet sister!
    Karen, Group 39


Everything I Learned About Life Part 2...

 Since I'm strolling down memory lane, I should probably post this one too about Marching Band. Some of my most fondest memories of high...