Monday, October 15, 2012

New Beginnings...

This blog is being written for many reasons. Mostly because I feel like I am being called to share my journey with you. This blog is about my journey in faith, life, love, and joy. I have 3 main goals I want to accomplish with this blog:

1. To remind myself daily that I am a work of art with a messy room. God made me beautiful. To break free from the labels that tear me down. How can I be a great Mommy, wife, and Girl Scout leader if I don't think I am beautiful?
2. To document my journey of discovering my gift.  Since God has made us all unique and beautiful, I want to find out what is so special about me, Jenny, the one with the messy room. How can I teach my Sunday school class about having a gift if I don't know my gift?
3. To tell my story of being a Mommy to a perfectly imperfect quirky boy named Eli and a girl named Kaelie. Sharing not only my joys and triumphs of motherhood but also the failures.

I may steer away these 3 goals at times...ADD isn't it grand?

This blog is not only going to serve the purpose of helping me seek the above goals but it is going to be a voice for other Mommy's with perfectly imperfect quirky kids. (more about that later...)

The above verse is speaking to me today in volumes! Along with reading my bible study book, "Unglued" by Lysa Terkeurst, and studying the bible, I have what I need to research my first goal.

In Lysa's book and through the OBS at Proverbs 31, I discovered this bit of knowledge...

God's Workmanship = Work of Art, Masterpiece = Piece of the master. We are made in God's image. It doesn't matter if I have a messy room, I am a masterpiece! I am a child of God with a messy room.

I chose the above image not only because of the verse is now among my favorites but also because it shows my passion....MUSIC! I love nothing more than to make beautiful noise with my trombone or baritone. It reaches my soul just like the words of the bible! I am not the greatest singer and I am not the greatest musician. What am I rattling on about? Well, just like that beautiful noise I sometimes create, God has created a beautiful person, me and you!

Yes, I have a messy room and I am far from perfect! But God created me for a reason, he has given me a gift that I am seeking...perhaps it's music, my gift of gab, or even my caring heart (I often get hurt because of this!) but whatever this journey brings, I am open and willing to learn.

Dear Father,

You made me unique, you have given me a gift that I am seeking. Help me search for this special gift and share it with the world so that I can share your words and your love. Help me to serve you with humility. Point me in the direction of the right path. Give me strength to pursue these goals. Give me the words to help others understand that perfectly imperfect quirky boys need love too. I trust you, Father, to show me the way.

In Jesus' Name I Pray. Amen.

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