Friday, October 19, 2012


I am so super excited to finish the Unglued study and move on to the Greater study with my OBS group on Proverbs 31! I have shared prayers, thoughts, and encouragement with some amazing ladies and cannot wait to study even more with them! Shout out to Group 39...Thanks so much for all of you! Karen, our group leader, is such a kind a caring woman and her advice has really touched my heart.  The other ladies are such wonderful people too!

Story Time! Story Time! Story Time!

Yesterday, I had dropped Eli off at school which is not the normal routine! When we pulled up to the school, I got out and went around to his door to let him out. I was trying to convince him to put on his jacket and backpack which he refused of course.  That little stinker took off running and I had to run after him! We get inside the doors to the lobby where his teachers are waiting and Miss K says, "Oh, how fun! Are you having a race with Mommy, Eli?" I looked at her and smiled saying, "Oh No! I was chasing after him because he took off running and was not listening when I asked him to stop!" Eli then proceeded to hide behind me and he takes his hands and balls them into fists and starts shaking like he is mad or scared! He is such a drama king! That's his new favorite saying next to "Never!"...."I am afraid!" I guess he thought he was going to get into trouble for not listening from his teacher.

Later in the day, I send his teacher an email and ask how he did after I left. I was wondering if he had a meltdown. Good news, he didn't and all was okay. Here's the reply:

"Hi--He did okay. He was definitely full of energy! He did not have any meltdowns, but needed to be redirected a few times. He has so much personality and says some of the funniest things:) I was working on some OT things with him and he said he couldn't do it because it would make him fall down. I asked him to try and he "fell" to the ground, very dramatically--hard not to laugh:)"


Moms, I really need some advice on this do I keep a good, honest, open relationship with my daughter? We are really butting heads right now. I know it is a phase and will continue to happen throughout our time together.

It's so hard to not focus on Eli with all that is going on with him. So, I do Girl Scouts with her but I really think she and I need some good old fashioned girl time together.  One thing I do with her, is we watch a movie together, do manis and pedis, eat junk food, and cuddle on the couch. I just wondered what other kinds of things we could do that is inexpensive but fun. What do you do with your daughter to bond?

As my darling KK says, "Peace out Girl Scout!"

****Update: For some reason the book review I signed up with is now not working. I am not reviewing any books for now. It seems it might have just been a shady deal.****

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