Thursday, April 11, 2013


Too blessed to be stressed! Today being Thursday would be a great day to have a theme, yeah I know you've guessed it! Thankful Thursday or AKA Finding the Blessings when you are stressed to the max! Starting with 5 and hope to add more to this list if not every day maybe once a week for now.

1. God
2 Family
3. Friends (Yes, even the one lounging on my couch right now!)
4. My Patients
5. SuperE's Therapists and Teachers

Sunday Blessings...added 4-14-13
6. A beautiful day
7. My niece
8. Sunday School..the kids all of them and one today really stood out...JK buddy, you totally made my day! Sweet and loving kids, they are all so very special!
9. Food, I have food for my children to eat.
10. My children: SuperE waking me up with a kiss and saying sorry for something he did the day before. KK seeing an old pic of her when she was about 5 and taking pic of her standing in front of that pic.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The more I think of blessings, the happier my days have become!
1. Jody, SuperE's new sitter
2. My Dad
3. The girls: (no particular order) JMS, BA, RT, SB, CC, NR, BB, and B
4. Medtronic guy: Thanks for the Iced coffee! =)
5. My Lifegroup

Thursday, April 18, 2013
1, My kids
2. Sleepy Time Tea
3.Group 41
4. My husband
5. AG pseudonym for a person who has a huge heart that helps me.

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