Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why Made To Crave?

Here we are again, getting ready to start another study through Proverbs 31 and Melissa Taylor's online bible studies. This time we are going to study Made To Crave.

There were many reasons I chose to participate in this study (some selfish, some spiritual):

1. I love my OBS group. They have been my support and my friends.
2. I love the flexibility of an online study.
3. I love being able to blog freely as I love writing.
4. I have grown spiritually through the studies from last year.
5. I am being fed spiritually.
6. I hope this study is not just about food cravings. I crave food and I am an emotional eater.
7. I feel like I was "Made to Crave God". I am thirsty for more when it comes to learning about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
8. There are many things I crave that do not glorify God (I smoke cigarettes and want to quit. I crave food. I crave attention...good or bad.). I crave things that don't put God first in my life and I want to learn how to overcome the many battles of craving. I want to crave God first.
9. I know that God has a bigger plan for my life and I think if I can overcome the cravings that keep me from putting God first, that this will help me move along and to receive God's big plan for my life.
10. I've learned many things about myself that has opened up so many promising things. With God all things are possible.

I will leave you with my favorite scripture. It's about not giving up. Which happens to be my life motto and when I get down so low that I feel like quitting I pull out my Bible and read these: Hebrews 12 and Philippians 4:13.

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, I love Philippians 4:13, too! That fight against flesh (selfish) and spirit (spiritual) reasons for taking this journey? I think a lot of us share that with you. :)

    :) Missy (Small Group Leader & Blog Hop Team


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