Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Here's to the New Year!

Happy 2020!

Reflecting on 2019 and I am glad to put it behind. My word for 2019 was Faith and let me tell you, there were many moments where my faith was challenged. I had to dig deep to keep on praising God through my Dad's stroke and his second stint in the hospital from having pneumonia. There were tears and frustration. Broken heart when I thought my own family hated me. (That was a lie told to me by the enemy.) Even deeper to get through parenting struggles and realizing that I am a very imperfect Mom. In fact, this Mom is messy and falling apart...far from perfect.

Moving forward into 2020 feels so good!

When thinking of my 2020 word, restoration, I am extremely curious about the first 4 letters-REST. I wonder will rest lead to restoration. What is this year going to be...will it be better? Will this year bring moments of peace? So many questions are running through my mind...At least I know that whatever comes my way, my faith is unshakeable.

I am looking forward to diving deeper into my faith with bible journaling and Yoga. What!? Is that even possible?

To this first day of 2020 I say, " Bring it! I am ready to dive into God's plan, to embrace the mission placed in my heart...ready to be Restored!



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