Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Blog Journey started 12/10/18 on Word Press

 Thanks for joining me!

"Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter." — Izaak Walton

The above was my very first post on WordPress. (I've been blogging for awhile now and recently figured out how to get my other blogger posts to the new blog!) But I love this photo and thought why not...back to blogger. I had a blogger site awhile back ago but I thought Word Press was the answer. Word Press is fine for some people. For me, it did not suit my purpose. I can no longer afford to pay for a hosted site so here I am. 

Just so you know, this girl is a mess and I hope that my mess will bless others. Writing is therapy for me. It will be suitable for all audiences and I will not be discussing anything political as well. 

Here you will get to here about my life and some things I have found that help through this crazy. Some are products that I sell or promote. Some items are just spiritual matters that help me. 

May this blog bless you and you find some light in this dark world!



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