Sunday, January 10, 2021


 Struggle...what a word to use for your first blog post of the new year! I 've been trying to put something together but my physical issues have been wreaking havoc with my mindset. 

I'm in pain physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

To get past this hurdle, I am taking more time for me. I chose my 1 word for 2021 #oneword365 and it is the word "Connect". For several days, I went back and forth about making a healthy decision. It's an investment and not sure that my family can afford for me to do this right now. I've prayed and thought it through...finally, I got up the courage and spoke to my husband. I joined Weight Watchers. (probably seems lame and very anticlimatic) but this is a huge deal. I am notorious for signing up for things and not following through. NOT THIS TIME. Oh, and the new weight watchers has an app with a tool on it called "CONNECT". hmmm...that word smacking in the face again.

I must persist through this struggle. I want a skinnier me, healthier me, more active me...a happier version of me. I am going to use my word Connect to figure out how to get me where I want to be. 

Fast forward to today, this day was not a great day. I slept most of the day. I did eat healthy. But I let my mind control the day. You know that voice that tells you all the will not succeed, you can't do this, you are going to fail, no money, no way, you can't juggle this with your family....the list goes on and on. Stressed about not being able to afford health food. Worrying about not being able to take care of me, my Dad, my kids, and my husband. Worried that I will disappoint every person that I love. 

I was ready to quit today. Then I pulled up my phone and jumped on my Connect through my WW app and you know what happened? Magic. People jumped in and said hey you got this. Try this. Don't give up. So I am pushing forward and not giving up. I will figure this out and I will succeed. 

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