Thursday, November 8, 2012

Angry, Angry, Angry


I am angry.
I am so ticked off that I can't see straight and have a headache.
I am a mother with a son who has PDD...possibly. He was diagnosed and then the doctor changed his mind and said well, maybe.
I live in a city where I cannot find the help I need to get done what needs to be done!
I am disappointed and frustrated that my only option to get done what needs to be done is through a hospital that is a monoply near where I live!
It's not fair that I have to spend $600 to go one other place that does this testing because they don't take commercial insurance.
I can't get Medicaid for my son because we make too much money. We both work. We both work so that we can survive.
If I had Medicaid, I could probably get a lot more done.
What is wrong with this city? this country? this world?
Not even scripture is calming down this anger.
What do I do?
I will tell you what I am going to do.
I am going to fight for my son and for what is right for him.
My son, Eli, has some quirky issues. He has PDD.


  1. I must add to this. I had an appointment today with Eli's appointment. His diagnosis is ADHD, OCD, SPD, and a language delay. The PDD is stil this PDD? vs. Aspergers?.

    The pediatrician wants him to get private OT and PT. OT is delayed until possibly December. PT they have to do another evaluation.

    He also wants us to look at the ADHD and I opted to not treat with medicine at this time. So, he suggested a holistic approach. I can't afford that kind of money.

    Finally, he wants me to go back to the dreaded place due to an unprofessional and incompetent doctor and nurse practitioner who say things like this: "Your son does not have autism because he communicates."

    I really will be screaming on the way home to some rather loud music!

  2. Jenny, I understand your struggle, and it challenges to the depth of your being! You want to provide all the supports possible for your son to become the person God intended him to be. This is a lifelong journey. I pray that you capture moments of calm when you can savor your wonderful hubby, your beautiful daughter, your incredible quirky little guy, the beauty of the world God put around you, and His touch in all aspects of your life. You have to savor those moments, as they help you maintain perspective as you walk your life's path. Breathe in, Breathe out. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!!!
    Love you, girl!


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