Thursday, November 8, 2012

Being Thankful Day 3-8

I am so behind with my being thankful posts! This past weekend and this week have been busy with a family crisis, a defiant daughter, etc., etc., etc...

My father in law was in the hospital over the weekend. On Monday, they did an angioplasty and placed one stent.  He is doing just fine.

My daughter has ADD and she is taking a new medicine, Adderall XR.  So far, feedback on this medicine from a friend has not been good.  The "coming down" on this medicine is so abrupt and so harsh. I am at my wit's end trying to get our morning routine to run smoother. I am lost as to what we should do as far as this medicine I continue you to give her the newest dose or do I research a different medicine?

On the flip side, my son with PDD has developed some new quirky behaviors sponsored by the color green. Yes, folks, it's not easy being green and I do not like green eggs and really it's about how he thinks he must wear a shirt that is the color green or we have a meltdown. On top of the green issue, he has now decided to hate baths.  You even say the word bath and it results in foot stomping, screaming, crying, hand flapping fun. I am hearing that this is quite normal and he will go through phases like this.  Let's hope he doesn't develop a thing for the color purple.

Here are my thankful posts for days 3 - 8

Day 3: I am thankful for Melatonin because without it the kids would be awake past 3 am every night!

Day 4: Friday night, I had the honor of welcoming home Lance Corporal Charles New. He passed away the Sunday before at Camp LeJeune in his sleep. Our hometown marine hero, was going to be honorably discharged 2 days from Sunday. He survived tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and several roadside bombings and one event he watched one of his friends being blown up. See the above video.
With all that said, I am thankful for the American soldier. Past, present, and future. God Bless Our Troops!

Day 5: I am thankful for music. For being able to crank up the radio on the drive to and from work to get out all the frustration or to play it quietly when deep in thought. I am thankful for being able to use music as a form of worship. I love music; all types of just depends on my mood.

Day 6: I am thankful for my right to vote even if I don't agree with the outcome.

Day 7:  Pumpkin Spice Creamer and tired this morning! But I have pumpkin spice to brighten my day and my savior. Because I am afraid...

2 Timothy 1:7 NIV 
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

Drum Roll for Day 8?  

Day 8: I am thankful for my quiet time with God. This morning, I am home and waiting to leave for yet another doctor's appointment.  My quiet time with God has helped calm my nerves! 

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