Friday, November 9, 2012

Being Thankful Day 9

Today, I must tell you that I so very thankful for my Lifegroup at church as well as my group for my online bible study.

I am surrounded by some amazing, real, caring, kind, and godly women!

God has really blessed me with this! You see, a few months back, I cried a deep earth shattering cry and begged God to help me find some Godly women and help me to use them in my life to become closer to Him.

God answered that prayer the very same day! I was contacted by someone who wanted to be a pen-pal but over email.  I thought, at first, oh my goodness this is probably psychopath trying to kill me. Well, I prayed and decided that I would step out and take that chance.  I have an awesome friend who prays with me and we work on things together. We confide a lot of details about our lives to each other. She has made some really dark days become much brighter.

The next set of Godly women He threw at me: women from my church! My lifegroup and other women I have met just by saying Hello! These women are smart, beautiful, kind, passionate, amazing, and talented! God has truly blessed me and the love they have shown...nothing can describe or even compare. THIS HAS TO BE FROM GOD!

The third set of women that God has sent my way: an online bible study group. Let me tell you about these women! They are some prayer warriors, passionate, kind, smart, beautiful, amazing, and talented women! Once again, let me repeat what I said above: THIS HAS TO BE FROM GOD!

Thank you God for bringing these awesome women into my life! Thank you for your blessings Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, I feel so totally blessed to be included in your group of Godly women! He IS Magnificent in how He answers our pleas! How very humbling to understand that I can be God's Instrument in this world. Love and Many Blessings, Sweet Sister!
    Karen, OBS Group Leader


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