Friday, November 23, 2012

Being Thankful Day 10 to current!

I am behind in my "Being Thankful" posts! So much has happened from Day 9 to today! I have been busy, busy, busy!

I am posting all my thankful posts from Facebook! Some of  you will have already read these so I will try to make it quick. I have so much to say today!

Day 10: I couldn't find a day 10 on Facebook! LOL I think I skipped that day! hahahaha...I am snort-laughing at myself right now!
Day 11: I am thankful for Veterans. Thank you to those who have served, are serving, and will serve.
I am also thankful for Kids Own Worship! I love teaching Sunday school and my class. I have been blessed with some spunky, active kids!

Day 12: I am thankful for my GS troop! My girls never cease to amaze me!
Day 13: I am thankful for therapists. I met a nice pediatric therapist that explained a few things about Eli and she was so nice, patient, and understanding.
Day 14: I am thankful for my Dad. He helps me get the kids off to school and Kaelie home. He is so kind about picking up papers that I can't because I work. He is there for me when I need to talk. I love you Dad!
Day 15: I am thankful for the roof over my head. It isn't perfect but it is home. I am warm, belly full, and loved. This is the place where my heart longs to be during the day when I am at work.
Day 16: I am thankful for my sense of humor and sarcasm all learned from my Mom. She always told me that it was better to laugh because all crying does is give you a stuffy head! Thanks Mom! Love you and miss you!
Day 17: Honestly, yesterday I really couldn't think of anything to be thankful sad really to think that way! But, alas, there was something! A friend that I am pen pals with...well we email. She always seems to know when I need a smile! :)
Day 18: Today I am thankful for my children again and again! Watching movies with Kaelie and having much needed one on one time with her! Eli and his he tells us that he has loco legs while tap dancing and kicking his legs all over because of the jeans Daddy put on him. He also said that only green batteries can help make them stop! :) They truly make my heart happy!
Day 19, 20, and 21: I am thankful for a lot of things these last couple days. My OBS Group 39, my boss and office manager (yes, I am sucking up!) But really I am thankful that I have a job, my church, lifegroup on Wednesday nights, cartoons old school and new...I have lots more but that is all for now.
Day 22: Today I am thankful for my family, friends, life...great day today...spent all morning and part of the afternoon at church serving and delivering meals! Made me so blessed to know what great people I served with and worship with...about to go to my SIL's house for dinner...she is awesome too and cooked a huge meal for us! Happy Thanksgiving!
Day 23: I am thankful for coffee and a warm blanket while all you crazies are out black Friday shopping! Slept in until 9 and now sitting here with the kids, planning how we are going to get up and clean!

Wow! I missed too many days on here... 

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