Monday, November 26, 2012

Being Thankful Days 24 and 25

I am only 2 days behind! 5 more days to go of this series. But with November ending my thought and question for you, shouldn't we be thankful every day?

My goal for the next 5 days, next month, and all of next year is to find the joy and thankfulness of every day life. For me, that is going to be hard because my typical pattern is to only think with a "glass is half empty" perspective. Who knows, maybe it will change my life if I think with a different perspective.

In a part of today's sermon at church, my pastor spoke about being generous by being the one who refreshes. Perhaps thinking with "the glass half full", I can be the one who refreshes others.

Proverbs 11:25

New International Version (NIV)
25 A generous person will prosper;
    whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Day 24: I am thankful for the time spent today with my side of the family. For brothers that still stick up for their baby sister. For sister-in-laws that cook, understand, and listen. Thanks for the turkey, etc. EBM! I now know why God didn't give me biological sisters growing up; he was only waiting until I grew up to give me 3 of the best sisters! Happy today...Mom would be so proud of our family! I love you all!

Day 25: I am thankful for this song: I Am Free

So, as the thankful posts come to an end and another OBS starts; let's just sing and dance. Why not, you are free?

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