Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2: Thankful for Family

It's now day 2 of my thankful journey. I have been thinking to myself about what it would be like to be thankful every day of the year. To find that one small joy of the day...

Day 2: I am thankful for my family. Not just my husband and my kids. I am thankful for my parents, my brothers, my sister-in-laws, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, and nephews. I am a lucky girl to have family around that even when we don't get along....God help the outsider who messes with one of us. I love each and every one of them!

My family is my rock and I know that I can call any one of them up for any reason at any time of the day or night. I have cousins that I have called to see if they could pick up my son from school for me. I haven't talked to them in a few months. But I called them and they were able to get Eli.

I could call any one of my sister-in-laws on any given day to get advice on kids, discipline, school, life, dental problems, illnesses, etc. Each time I have called them, they have always helped me answer my question. Who else would I call now without my Mom (besides Dad) being here on earth?

Some of my other family includes some very close friends. They are not blood related. These friends have seen me at my worst and at my best. I hold them close to my heart. I wish I could see all of them more often but life happens.

My favorite cartoon...Charlie Brown!

Good Luck to the SOAA 5th grade undefeated football team tomorrow! Let's Go Cats!

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