Thursday, November 29, 2012

Moving On To Greater Things

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. ~ John 14:12 NIV84

As I started reading my new online bible study book, Greater by Pastor Steven Furtick with Melissa Taylor's OBS, my mind began racing. Already the self doubt that has plagued me most of my life had set in and I was ready to continue my life of complacency. My very first thought was that this guy is crazy. How could I possibly be greater than God or Jesus?
A few more pages flipped and I got my answer from pages 4 and 5, "If you're looking to be greater than Jesus, put down your crack pipe, my friend. That's not happening. By leaving and then sending His Spirit to dwell inside His followers--ordinary people like you and me--Jesus released a greater power for us to do extraordinary things on an extraordinary scale." "Jesus isn't calling us to be greater than He is. He's calling us to be greater with Him through His Spirit within us."
The above verse is telling me that we are to love like Jesus. Jesus wants us to be an example of who we can be through Him. We are to go out into the world and be like Jesus by being His hands and feet. We will do great things but the condition to the promise is that we must BELIEVE in Jesus. We can't just believe in my friend Karen says we must believe IN HIM,NOT ourselves! We become His disciples and that's when we will be more like Him, and we will do great things like Him.
This verse exemplifies why we need to push to get out of "baseline living" and listen to that inner small voice more to do "greater" things with our faith. It's so scary to step our of your comfort zone and put your thoughts down on this computer screen for others to see. What if they think I am stupid? What if...? What if...? When those thoughts came to me, I immediately took them to God and said, "Hey God, why am I having these thoughts? What are you trying to tell me? Why do I feel like I am going to fall off a cliff? Do you have my back, God?" Immediately following my talk with God, he responded with giving me peace and comfort. That's how I know this is right, this blog, my thoughts...
Today, I want to lift someone up in my life that has inspired me. My brother, Mark. I don't know that he will ever read this but if he does, I love you brother and I am so proud of the godly man that you have become. You see, I used to not view my brother in a positive way. I viewed him as a "bad" person, a jerk....I am sorry for that because I didn't understand what you were going through in your life. I didn't understand the issues between you and our parents. I am sorry for that. Seeing the man he could have been to the man he is now, is inspiring to me. He's a great Dad, a great husband, and a great person. Those things I used to think about him, may have been true to the situation but it's only because of misunderstanding and being too young or immature.
This is the hardest post to write. I have bottled those thoughts and feeling up about Mark for so long. It's time to move forward.


  1. I was so blessed by that last part about your brother. God is already doing amazing things! Thank you for sharing your heart and your journey.

    Jennifer Newsom
    OBS Grouo Leader.

  2. Jenny,
    Thank you for sharing your struggles, thoughts and fears with us. Becoming vulnerable is humbling, yet it allows God to work greater in our lives.

    Your brother is lucky to have you as a sister. I hope he has a chance to read your post. Blessings my friend.

    -Erin Cuomo, OBS Group Leader

    1. Thank You Erin! I hope he reads it too...although my friend Lisa was the first to lead me to Christ as a child, in a way my brother was to lead me to Christ as an adult.


Everything I Learned About Life Part 2...

 Since I'm strolling down memory lane, I should probably post this one too about Marching Band. Some of my most fondest memories of high...