Monday, December 3, 2012

Advent Week 1

Yesterday, marked the first day of Advent. My family never celebrated Advent so I don't really know how to even begin this tradition with my own family. My church gave us an advent wreath yesterday! I have it sitting on my kitchen table. We have the candles: 3 purple and 1 pink. We then went out and purchased a white candle for the middle. Not sure if we were supposed to do that or not...

Then I took my kids to the "Dollar Tree". They each got to pick out one decoration. Kaelie picked out a red bird siting on a branch with pine cone, holly leaf, and glitter. Eli picked out, of course, a green bow. We also set out the creche with the angel. We are going to slowly put things out with that to build on the story of Christmas. Here are some pictures of our set up:

We didn't get to do our ceremony last night because Kaelie was not feeling well. But we are going to do it tonight!

Here is how our family celebration will begin:

Gather around the Advent wreath.

Scripture: A voice cries out in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill will be made low; the uneven ground shall become level and the rough places a plain. Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all the people shall see it together. Isaiah 40:3-5

Prayer: God help us, we pray, to make a way for you in our busy lives. Help us to see your light and love in our world.

Light the first candle.

Scripture: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness - on them light has shined (Isaiah 9:2). Jesus said, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life (John 8:12).

Devotion: This the first Sunday of Advent. We've gathered here to think about Jesus and His coming into our world. Jesus is like a light that shines on us and shows us the way out of darkness. Jesus' teachings are like a light to show us the way to live. We want to get ourselves ready for Jesus to come into our lives, into our hearts this Christmas. (Ask family members) What are some special things we can do to get ready this Christmas? Or, how can we be a light to others?
Some suggested family activities for the week:

*Make or purchase an Advent wreath to take to your neighbor who lives alone, or better yet, invite them to your advent devotions.
*Relight the first advent candle at meal time and say a special prayer for those who need the light of God's love in their life.
*Make or buy tree ornaments that remind you that Jesus is the Light of the World.
*Make or buy candles to give to friends with a card attached to remind them to burn candles in honor of Jesus the Light of the World.
*If it's a clear night, go out and look at stars. Begin to talk about this special light that led the way to the place of Jesus' birth.
Some ideas for thinking about Light:
*Ask each person to remember some special Christmas celebration from the past (get out pictures) or look through old Christmas cards recalling the folks who sent them and talk about how they "brightened" your life.
*Storytelling. Using real event in your child's life--tel the (child's name) story..."Once upon a time there was a little boy names Eli...." Tell how your child has brought light into your life and/or the life of the family.
*Rummage through a box of tree ornaments or Christmas decorations to find those that symbolize "Light" or Jesus as the Light of the World.
*Begin to talk about how your family can participate in one of the many projects that help others at Christmas.

If you have a creche, a nativity scene, now's the time to get it out. Put out just the empty stable or barn and talk about this special place that has been prepared for the baby. But don't tell the Christmas story yet, let it unfold and build week to week.

Let's pray:
Dear God,
We ask you to be with us as we prepare for Christmas. Help us to enjoy this time of waiting. Help us to care for others as you care for us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

P.S. Here is a link that explains the meaning of the advent wreath and candles:

In the meantime enjoy these 2 videos of popular carols:
1. Oh Holy Night

2. Joy To the World
***Update: Check out Week 2 and 3 Advent for another example. This is a new tradition my kids and I have been celebrating! Also, Don't forget to come back between now and January 10th for my newest Greater blog...which topic will I choose? Hmmm....I guess you will have to come back and see! Merry Christmas!***


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Let me try this again...just wanted everyone to know that the ceremony, prayers, ideas, etc. were all from a church flier. I just thought that this was so cool that I just had to share this with the world! Hope you all enjoy and find the light this Christmas!


    For some advent ideas to share with your family! This looks really cool!

  4. Love the ideas for the advent wreath. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas. ~b


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