Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

I am sitting here with a heavy heart. This world lost another beautiful soul today. She was young, smart, beautiful, angel on earth. I don't know what to say. There are really no words.

This girl was a friend of my daughter, a dear member of our band family. I've just spent the last 6 or 7 hours at this girl's home church with her friends and some family. We prayed, we sang, we hugged, we cried....I saw these beautiful teenagers reaching out to each other and just showing love.

But the thing that really got me, my youngest (she turns 3 in September) was just dropped off to me. My dear friends watched her so that I could be with my band kids. As we were walking back into the church, she was holding my hand and says, "Jesus is Home! Look, Mom! He's right there!" She then proceeded to point to a shadow that was walking right along with us. There truly was our shadow and then a 2nd shadow next to our shadow. Keep in mind...there was nobody else walking with us. Well, take that back, Jesus was walking right along side us! At that point of this horrible evening, Jesus was there all along. He never left us and was truly there when I needed Him the most. Thank You Jesus!

As a parent and mentor to these children, I can't even begin to explain to them why it happens. If I can't even understand it myself, how do I comfort them? How do I console my own child? Tonight, the Holy Spirit showed me how.

Hug your children tight every day. Tell them that you love them every day. Pray for them every day.And when the bad stuff happens, show up and be there for them. Even if it is sitting in silent reflection and prayer or worship. JUST BE THERE.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

To Make Up or Not To Make Up...My "I" Story

I've recently made a decision to become a small business owner. Some of thoughts that entered my mind when trying to make this decision were things like, "Who do you think you are trying to do something like this?" Another thought I had while trying out a product for the first time, "What have I got myself into now?"

Okay, now you understand the last thought...oh yes, a charcoal mask and oh yes, I did the charcoal mask challenge. I was somewhat successful (or so I thought).

6 weeks later and still haven't made my first order minimum. Which makes me think even more, "Who do you think you are trying to do this?"

Here's my answer: I am a Mom who is tired of being bossed around in a thankless corporate world. I want more time with my family. I want work on my own terms.

Read my "I" story below:

Before I started my business...
Full Time Working Mom in a corporate job that I don't love.
I started my business because...
I truly believe that we are all beauitiful works of art created by God. As I go through my walk of faith, I know that wherever anyone is on this journey, I, you, and we are also works of art in progress. My number 1 business goal is sharing Christ's love with all by helping others see their own beauty, inspiring them to be the very best version of themselves, and to be a bright light in this dark world. Ephesians 2:10 My personal reasons are so that I can available for my kids and my husband more. I long for financial freedom and to have a job that is truly flexible.
As a result of starting my business...
Since I am just starting out, the really thing that this has given me so far is confidence and hope.
As I build my business, I am looking forward to...

I am looking forward to transforming into the woman that God has planned for me to be.

So, here goes my shameless plug...check out If interested (I don't have a personal website yet), send me a message.

My very first step in this adventure?
Figure out how to accomplish this...stay tuned for further details. You may get to see a random video tutorial!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Finding Peace from Transformation

My journey continues with this transformation. I have been asking myself this question: Does peace come with transformation? My intuition about this says yes!

One way that I have been looking at peace through transformation is through my emotions. I've been reading a book about emotional intelligence. My hope is that I will learn how to deal with these crazy emotions!

Transformation starts in the mind is what I have discovered from the Bible. Our thoughts determine our actions. With Christ, out thoughts become new. When your thinking is changed, your actions are changed, and your life is changed. Already with this journey, my life has changed. I have started a new business and I am at peace with some of my thoughts. I am not there yet but always a work in progress.

I know that even when the world seems dark, I am beginning to think like Jesus and that confirms to me that He is always with me even when I can't see what's coming. Through Christ, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Now this leads me to the next question in this does the Holy Spirit change us?

Everything I Learned About Life Part 2...

 Since I'm strolling down memory lane, I should probably post this one too about Marching Band. Some of my most fondest memories of high...