Saturday, December 1, 2018

Becoming Sassy

I entered into the direct sales world and I was going to sell make up! I kept telling myself that I could be successful in an over-saturated market. I've been trying to find my "thing".

I think I have found it. I am becoming an online boutique owner! (edited post 12/5/18; I was going to be Sassy...) I jumped into it head first and then found out that I would be selling something that might not be legal in my state. Yes, it was CBD oil and not that I have a problem with it, it's good stuff comes from Hemp and does NOT contain THC. I did some research and found this: "Ohio's pharmacy board says CBD oil is illegal unless sold through its medical marijuana program. Columbus — It's being sold everywhere from health food stores to vape shops. ... Despite being legal in Ohio, medical marijuana still cannot be solduntil the state's dispensaries are up and running.Sep 24, 2018

Of course the name of the oil should have given it away, it's called "Happy Hippie Oil". But nonetheless, I asked to be removed and sent them what I hope was a heartfelt and nice email. 

So the research continued and found something else that I am really enjoying. So, as I stated above, I am now a small business owner. My company is called, "Work of Art Gifts by Jen". I am an affiliate of Alotta Pajs (pronounced A-lot-of Pages). There is lots and lots of pages for people to shop online, at home, and in their PJ's.

Not sure where this adventure is going to take me but I am ready to push forward. By the way, I made my first sale!

If you want to check it out, you can find it on Facebook at: 

Now, for your order to count, you need to go to this website:

I am remembering today whose daughter I am, straightening my crown, and moving forward!

Here's to another new beginning...

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