Thursday, November 29, 2012

Moving On To Greater Things

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. ~ John 14:12 NIV84

As I started reading my new online bible study book, Greater by Pastor Steven Furtick with Melissa Taylor's OBS, my mind began racing. Already the self doubt that has plagued me most of my life had set in and I was ready to continue my life of complacency. My very first thought was that this guy is crazy. How could I possibly be greater than God or Jesus?
A few more pages flipped and I got my answer from pages 4 and 5, "If you're looking to be greater than Jesus, put down your crack pipe, my friend. That's not happening. By leaving and then sending His Spirit to dwell inside His followers--ordinary people like you and me--Jesus released a greater power for us to do extraordinary things on an extraordinary scale." "Jesus isn't calling us to be greater than He is. He's calling us to be greater with Him through His Spirit within us."
The above verse is telling me that we are to love like Jesus. Jesus wants us to be an example of who we can be through Him. We are to go out into the world and be like Jesus by being His hands and feet. We will do great things but the condition to the promise is that we must BELIEVE in Jesus. We can't just believe in my friend Karen says we must believe IN HIM,NOT ourselves! We become His disciples and that's when we will be more like Him, and we will do great things like Him.
This verse exemplifies why we need to push to get out of "baseline living" and listen to that inner small voice more to do "greater" things with our faith. It's so scary to step our of your comfort zone and put your thoughts down on this computer screen for others to see. What if they think I am stupid? What if...? What if...? When those thoughts came to me, I immediately took them to God and said, "Hey God, why am I having these thoughts? What are you trying to tell me? Why do I feel like I am going to fall off a cliff? Do you have my back, God?" Immediately following my talk with God, he responded with giving me peace and comfort. That's how I know this is right, this blog, my thoughts...
Today, I want to lift someone up in my life that has inspired me. My brother, Mark. I don't know that he will ever read this but if he does, I love you brother and I am so proud of the godly man that you have become. You see, I used to not view my brother in a positive way. I viewed him as a "bad" person, a jerk....I am sorry for that because I didn't understand what you were going through in your life. I didn't understand the issues between you and our parents. I am sorry for that. Seeing the man he could have been to the man he is now, is inspiring to me. He's a great Dad, a great husband, and a great person. Those things I used to think about him, may have been true to the situation but it's only because of misunderstanding and being too young or immature.
This is the hardest post to write. I have bottled those thoughts and feeling up about Mark for so long. It's time to move forward.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Self Doubt

On the eve of my appointment with the new psychologist, I am now having some doubts. What if this one doesn't agree? What if I really have been wrong all this time? What if I really have just been imagining all of his quirks? What if this new doctor thinks I am a complete idiot? What if I am wrong? What if I fail my son?What if, what if, what if...I can't sleep because these questions keep ruling my thoughts!

I am not sure that I am doing the right thing. I keep going over his history, my history, and all my notes. Why can't I shake that feeling that I am right? Am I really scared of being right?

If I am so wrong, then why can't he handle transition like today when we went to Sunday school? He cried for quite some time and his favorite helper had to hold him with a deep pressure hug. How do I help my son when other people think I am crazy or don't see what I see? Is this related more to sensory or is this a link to autism?

Why does he tell me that he loves me and it seems like he means it but then he looks at me and screams "I hate you!"? Does he really not understand these emotions?

Why is it that to get him to understand rules, simple tasks like getting a bath that I have to sing about those things to get him to process the information?

Why does the teacher agree that we need to add something about social behaviors to his IEP but other people in our lives think that's completely absurd?

I feel like I am alone in these doubts. That I am wrong to want to seek help for my child.

Please! Somebody tell me if you have ever felt like this?

God, give me the words to tell this new doctor why I think my son has autism or PDD (they are the same). Because right now, I feel like I am wrong and that all of this is just a dream. Please give me comfort, Lord, and help to know that I am pursuing the right things for my special boy. Guide me Lord to the answers that I so desperately seek. Lord, reach inside of me into my heart and repair the crack that has been made by the one person who I wish would not doubt me, not only myself but the someone I long to believe me. God, help me to stay strong and persistent with this; help me to keep fighting for what I know is right. In Jesus' Name I Pray. Amen.

Being Thankful Days 24 and 25

I am only 2 days behind! 5 more days to go of this series. But with November ending my thought and question for you, shouldn't we be thankful every day?

My goal for the next 5 days, next month, and all of next year is to find the joy and thankfulness of every day life. For me, that is going to be hard because my typical pattern is to only think with a "glass is half empty" perspective. Who knows, maybe it will change my life if I think with a different perspective.

In a part of today's sermon at church, my pastor spoke about being generous by being the one who refreshes. Perhaps thinking with "the glass half full", I can be the one who refreshes others.

Proverbs 11:25

New International Version (NIV)
25 A generous person will prosper;
    whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Day 24: I am thankful for the time spent today with my side of the family. For brothers that still stick up for their baby sister. For sister-in-laws that cook, understand, and listen. Thanks for the turkey, etc. EBM! I now know why God didn't give me biological sisters growing up; he was only waiting until I grew up to give me 3 of the best sisters! Happy today...Mom would be so proud of our family! I love you all!

Day 25: I am thankful for this song: I Am Free

So, as the thankful posts come to an end and another OBS starts; let's just sing and dance. Why not, you are free?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Being Thankful Day 10 to current!

I am behind in my "Being Thankful" posts! So much has happened from Day 9 to today! I have been busy, busy, busy!

I am posting all my thankful posts from Facebook! Some of  you will have already read these so I will try to make it quick. I have so much to say today!

Day 10: I couldn't find a day 10 on Facebook! LOL I think I skipped that day! hahahaha...I am snort-laughing at myself right now!
Day 11: I am thankful for Veterans. Thank you to those who have served, are serving, and will serve.
I am also thankful for Kids Own Worship! I love teaching Sunday school and my class. I have been blessed with some spunky, active kids!

Day 12: I am thankful for my GS troop! My girls never cease to amaze me!
Day 13: I am thankful for therapists. I met a nice pediatric therapist that explained a few things about Eli and she was so nice, patient, and understanding.
Day 14: I am thankful for my Dad. He helps me get the kids off to school and Kaelie home. He is so kind about picking up papers that I can't because I work. He is there for me when I need to talk. I love you Dad!
Day 15: I am thankful for the roof over my head. It isn't perfect but it is home. I am warm, belly full, and loved. This is the place where my heart longs to be during the day when I am at work.
Day 16: I am thankful for my sense of humor and sarcasm all learned from my Mom. She always told me that it was better to laugh because all crying does is give you a stuffy head! Thanks Mom! Love you and miss you!
Day 17: Honestly, yesterday I really couldn't think of anything to be thankful sad really to think that way! But, alas, there was something! A friend that I am pen pals with...well we email. She always seems to know when I need a smile! :)
Day 18: Today I am thankful for my children again and again! Watching movies with Kaelie and having much needed one on one time with her! Eli and his he tells us that he has loco legs while tap dancing and kicking his legs all over because of the jeans Daddy put on him. He also said that only green batteries can help make them stop! :) They truly make my heart happy!
Day 19, 20, and 21: I am thankful for a lot of things these last couple days. My OBS Group 39, my boss and office manager (yes, I am sucking up!) But really I am thankful that I have a job, my church, lifegroup on Wednesday nights, cartoons old school and new...I have lots more but that is all for now.
Day 22: Today I am thankful for my family, friends, life...great day today...spent all morning and part of the afternoon at church serving and delivering meals! Made me so blessed to know what great people I served with and worship with...about to go to my SIL's house for dinner...she is awesome too and cooked a huge meal for us! Happy Thanksgiving!
Day 23: I am thankful for coffee and a warm blanket while all you crazies are out black Friday shopping! Slept in until 9 and now sitting here with the kids, planning how we are going to get up and clean!

Wow! I missed too many days on here... 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Being Thankful Day 9

Today, I must tell you that I so very thankful for my Lifegroup at church as well as my group for my online bible study.

I am surrounded by some amazing, real, caring, kind, and godly women!

God has really blessed me with this! You see, a few months back, I cried a deep earth shattering cry and begged God to help me find some Godly women and help me to use them in my life to become closer to Him.

God answered that prayer the very same day! I was contacted by someone who wanted to be a pen-pal but over email.  I thought, at first, oh my goodness this is probably psychopath trying to kill me. Well, I prayed and decided that I would step out and take that chance.  I have an awesome friend who prays with me and we work on things together. We confide a lot of details about our lives to each other. She has made some really dark days become much brighter.

The next set of Godly women He threw at me: women from my church! My lifegroup and other women I have met just by saying Hello! These women are smart, beautiful, kind, passionate, amazing, and talented! God has truly blessed me and the love they have shown...nothing can describe or even compare. THIS HAS TO BE FROM GOD!

The third set of women that God has sent my way: an online bible study group. Let me tell you about these women! They are some prayer warriors, passionate, kind, smart, beautiful, amazing, and talented women! Once again, let me repeat what I said above: THIS HAS TO BE FROM GOD!

Thank you God for bringing these awesome women into my life! Thank you for your blessings Lord!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Angry, Angry, Angry


I am angry.
I am so ticked off that I can't see straight and have a headache.
I am a mother with a son who has PDD...possibly. He was diagnosed and then the doctor changed his mind and said well, maybe.
I live in a city where I cannot find the help I need to get done what needs to be done!
I am disappointed and frustrated that my only option to get done what needs to be done is through a hospital that is a monoply near where I live!
It's not fair that I have to spend $600 to go one other place that does this testing because they don't take commercial insurance.
I can't get Medicaid for my son because we make too much money. We both work. We both work so that we can survive.
If I had Medicaid, I could probably get a lot more done.
What is wrong with this city? this country? this world?
Not even scripture is calming down this anger.
What do I do?
I will tell you what I am going to do.
I am going to fight for my son and for what is right for him.
My son, Eli, has some quirky issues. He has PDD.

Being Thankful Day 3-8

I am so behind with my being thankful posts! This past weekend and this week have been busy with a family crisis, a defiant daughter, etc., etc., etc...

My father in law was in the hospital over the weekend. On Monday, they did an angioplasty and placed one stent.  He is doing just fine.

My daughter has ADD and she is taking a new medicine, Adderall XR.  So far, feedback on this medicine from a friend has not been good.  The "coming down" on this medicine is so abrupt and so harsh. I am at my wit's end trying to get our morning routine to run smoother. I am lost as to what we should do as far as this medicine I continue you to give her the newest dose or do I research a different medicine?

On the flip side, my son with PDD has developed some new quirky behaviors sponsored by the color green. Yes, folks, it's not easy being green and I do not like green eggs and really it's about how he thinks he must wear a shirt that is the color green or we have a meltdown. On top of the green issue, he has now decided to hate baths.  You even say the word bath and it results in foot stomping, screaming, crying, hand flapping fun. I am hearing that this is quite normal and he will go through phases like this.  Let's hope he doesn't develop a thing for the color purple.

Here are my thankful posts for days 3 - 8

Day 3: I am thankful for Melatonin because without it the kids would be awake past 3 am every night!

Day 4: Friday night, I had the honor of welcoming home Lance Corporal Charles New. He passed away the Sunday before at Camp LeJeune in his sleep. Our hometown marine hero, was going to be honorably discharged 2 days from Sunday. He survived tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and several roadside bombings and one event he watched one of his friends being blown up. See the above video.
With all that said, I am thankful for the American soldier. Past, present, and future. God Bless Our Troops!

Day 5: I am thankful for music. For being able to crank up the radio on the drive to and from work to get out all the frustration or to play it quietly when deep in thought. I am thankful for being able to use music as a form of worship. I love music; all types of just depends on my mood.

Day 6: I am thankful for my right to vote even if I don't agree with the outcome.

Day 7:  Pumpkin Spice Creamer and tired this morning! But I have pumpkin spice to brighten my day and my savior. Because I am afraid...

2 Timothy 1:7 NIV 
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

Drum Roll for Day 8?  

Day 8: I am thankful for my quiet time with God. This morning, I am home and waiting to leave for yet another doctor's appointment.  My quiet time with God has helped calm my nerves! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2: Thankful for Family

It's now day 2 of my thankful journey. I have been thinking to myself about what it would be like to be thankful every day of the year. To find that one small joy of the day...

Day 2: I am thankful for my family. Not just my husband and my kids. I am thankful for my parents, my brothers, my sister-in-laws, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, and nephews. I am a lucky girl to have family around that even when we don't get along....God help the outsider who messes with one of us. I love each and every one of them!

My family is my rock and I know that I can call any one of them up for any reason at any time of the day or night. I have cousins that I have called to see if they could pick up my son from school for me. I haven't talked to them in a few months. But I called them and they were able to get Eli.

I could call any one of my sister-in-laws on any given day to get advice on kids, discipline, school, life, dental problems, illnesses, etc. Each time I have called them, they have always helped me answer my question. Who else would I call now without my Mom (besides Dad) being here on earth?

Some of my other family includes some very close friends. They are not blood related. These friends have seen me at my worst and at my best. I hold them close to my heart. I wish I could see all of them more often but life happens.

My favorite cartoon...Charlie Brown!

Good Luck to the SOAA 5th grade undefeated football team tomorrow! Let's Go Cats!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thoughts Vs. Truth aka Get Out of My Head! Part 3

Thoughts Vs. Truth

These are my lies:
And this is my truth:
I am wondering how I can apply the above truth...

When my thoughts get out of control, I will give myself a pep talk that is wholesome and in that way I will build myself up to my need which is truth and if I listen there will be great benefits.  That is what this verse is telling me. This is exactly how I am going to change and I will make imperfect progress.
Thoughts can be dangerous and deceiving but dipping into the truth (my bible) and learning to lean on God and His word will change my life.
I keep going back to thoughts and negative chatter because that is what is holding me back on almost all areas of my life.
Here is my pledge to myself:
Now that I have accepted the invitation to imperfect progress, I, Jenny Snyder, will:
  1. Share this knowledge with all women or men and urge them to read this book.
  2. Continue to make imperfect progress.
  3. Know that I have a choice to walk on a path to grace or be the exploder that shames herself.
  4. Not let negative inside chatter or thoughts rule her life.
  5. Pray
  6. Seek God's truth.
Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst: Epilogue, page 191
I want the whole world to know this!
"God loves you. God loves you now. God loves you when you're unglued. God loves you when you stuff. God loves you when you explode. He loves you when you exemplify soul integrity, and He loves you when you don't. He loves you. He loves you. He loves you. He loves you so much that He refuses to leave you stuck in this place. Take His hand, trust His love, and walk in the beautiful opportunity for imperfect progress."
Ahhh! Now, doesn't that just make you smile? If not, I am sorry and I hope that I can help you seek his truth for your own life. It's easy, my friend(s), all you have to do is ask for forgiveness and ask Jesus to come into your heart. No money required. Just you asking God for forgiveness of your sins. His love for you never ends. He will always be there for you and He will never let you down. John 3:16; look it up and let your life be changed forever. I am so glad my old friend, Lisa, did that for me back in high school.
If you didn't know, Proverbs 31 does online bible studies! Next study: "Greater" by Steven Furtick
Sign up at:
I can't wait to go on another journey with Group 39!!! You ladies are awesome and I love you!

Thankful Thursday

The above Tom Turkey was made by Kaelie last year!

Being that today is November 1st, I decided that I am going to post a thankful post every day this month.

What am I thankful for? hmmmm...I do have a long list.

Today, Day 1...I am thankful for God. For God loving me so much that he gave his one and only son for me so that my sins are forgiven. That I can one day meet our Father in heaven and be able to see my friends and family that I hope I will see one day.

So my thankful verse today is....Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NLT

So, I also found this list to help remind us how to be thankful in all circumstances:
  • That God is good (1 Chronicles 16:34)
  • That His love lasts forever (Psalm 106:1)
  • For God’s amazing grace (1 Corinthians 1:11)
  • For the wonderful things God does (Psalm 107:8)
  • Because God answers prayers (Psalm 118:21)
  • For His perfect laws (Psalm 119:62)
  • Because God gives us wisdom and reveals His truth to us (Daniel 2:22-23)
  • For other believers (Philippians 1:3)
Happy November!

I had to add another photo...P.S. I am also thankful for this picture! Seeing my daughter happy after a bad "Unglued Mama Morning" I love you Kaelie!


Everything I Learned About Life Part 2...

 Since I'm strolling down memory lane, I should probably post this one too about Marching Band. Some of my most fondest memories of high...